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4017 SR 4 West
Rosburg, WA 98643
United States

360 465 2291

For a generation we have been working to create a better breed of beef to enhance your production and improve bloodlines.


Life on a farm in rural southwest Washington.

Funny Valentine!

Linda Nelson

Here's a sweet Valentine for you... Wish you could smell them.


I like to roll it really thin.


Plenty of space for Darigold butter, sugar, and lots of cinnamon, I use Saigon Cinnamon from Costco. Use lots. Then I start carefully rolling and stretching so I get plenty of turns. This size makes one dozen for me. I cut them with kitchen string, the roll is a little gushy.


These little sons of guns are ready for a quick bake. Not low carb, not gluten free, not even vegan. What can I say?  I'll just eat poached eggs for the next week.


All done, more Darigold in the frosting. I put in a little butter and a little cream cheese.

Then I wrapped them all up and gave them away. Or maybe not.